Saturday, September 24, 2005

And now for something completely different

Started a new painting last week and hope to have it finished in another week. It is a small one, 9x12", and so it is much easier to cover the paper. I really want to be more productive so I thought this size would be perfect. Plus, I like alternating the size of the paintings, it just seems more fun that way.

The reason I am not posting the painting in a step by step process is because the subject matter is much different than what I am accustomed to painting. I think that this is the first time that I have attempted this subject matter. No that the subject matter is anything original, but it is new to me.

Interest piqued? I hope so. Look for finished product in a week or so.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Now what?

Finished and uploaded.

What a relief. The picture I was starting to think I would never complete is done. And I must say, I am happy with the results. There were several times while I was working and reworking this that I thought it was going to be a larger orange mess. But that is the beauty of pastels. Just hit it with workable fix and repaint it.

I thought reposting the other pieces in the sequence would be a neat idea. Thanks P-man, I am glad you talked me into taking pictures during the painting process. Of course, now everybody knows how much of a slacker I was about finishing this one. . .but I guess that is okay.

Now, I need something else to paint. But what size and what subject?

And finally, the finished product!! Hope you like it!
Mountains of Fall
16x20, charcoal on Canson Mi-Teintes board Posted by Picasa

Beginning to put in the details Posted by Picasa

Finished blocking the color Posted by Picasa

Starting to block in the colors Posted by Picasa

The sketch Posted by Picasa